It's been like a year. Don't worry about it.

WOW I just finished typing out the main outline for thew whole thing AND we have a new writer bayybeee this is going GREAT im so excited.

I guess it's time to go beat my head against the music program and make us some more SONGS!!!!! yay yay yay things are picking up!

24 November 2024 11:51 pm

 Demo Launch Post

You know. I think this demo will be like. The first time I actually tell people what the fuck this game is about. I mean, there's the webtoons summary but that's so outdated it's not really accurate anymore. Part of me wants to hide the webtoon and pretend it never existed, but that would also m ake me really sad.

Anyway. What makes me happy is that we managed to get a DEMO out. It's short and simple, but it's proof of something.

You can get the demo HERE for FREE in about 6 hours, lol.

Anyway. Happy lord foog the 2st day and happy 2nd birthday to my lord foog the 2st of a passion project. Please look forward to the full release of the first installment. Which will hopefully happen this year.

22 02 2024 09:00 am


LETS GOOOO WE HAVE A TITLE SONG!!! Uploading this anywhere has been such a struggle. It's 2 days before we drop a demo. Please enjoy

20 February 2024 09:16 pm

 Thank god for people

My good friend and fantastic guy Any is going to help code this thing and honestly that its such a MASSIVE relief because I reeeally dont know what I'm doing when it comes to python. I'm fighting for my life to keep this webstie from breaking apart!!! So THANK YOU ANY for your coding expertise. Go drop him a follow @any13th

09 January 2024 08:30 pm

 Ref Photos!

I went to my old university to get some reference/background photos to save some time (lol) and it was really fun to see it deserted. And also to see just how many different atmospheres I could get out of one location. It was probably not the best idea to go as the sun was setting but what are you gonna do.

I hope I can get some of the linke. hallways and common areas some day but idk the legality of that lol. maybe ill just doodle/photoshop people in but that still...doesn't solve the hallways problem. Anyway here's some of my favorite pics

I'm aware the spacing is atrocious but I gotta go to sleep i'll fix it later. enjoy!

03 January 2024 11:40 pm

 Ok I did it

here are the socials I guess



(They're links you gotta click on them)

I'll probably replace the linkson the side bar with these ventually, though they're kind of a loop since tbh theyre just. There to have something to post when I update this website LMAO. I'll make posts and stuff there but the goal is to have them link back here. I want to keep everything here.

Which I guess means I should really...invest in a larger storage allowance on here so i don't have to rely on outside linking, huh. UGH. we'll see

ANYWAY WOO socials launch!! Gotta haul ass and finish writing now.

22 December 2023 4:35 pm

 It is December 22

And to nobody's surprise i did not in fact get a demo done. BUT i did get a bunch of other stuff done!!! I got a tgon of music either done or found royalty free alternatives, Im almost done with the overall outline and the first chapter's outline as well, plus I've been watching some renpy videos so i feel. confident coming into the 2 month mad dash that will be getting ch1 out. the plan today is to set up socials and soft launch this. probably just for myself and so the anniversaries can be on Lupe's bday. It's been a rough couple of months but i'm optimistic. well, as optimistic as i can be about... making art amidst societal collapse but that's for another time and another place. thanks for reading!

22 December 2023 12:51 am

 Bacteria names

Holy shit.

The internet is such an incredible place

6 December 2023 1:53 am


Do we think i can get a demo out by december 22... that's in 36 days. I might be able to get at least the first scene or two out as a demo. and then the rest of the game in february 2024 HAHAHKJDHFKJH or maybe the next sort of chapter. i think i can do chapter by chapter...? Yeah i think i can try that. i have 96 days to feb 22 2024... the only thing is that ive also given myself several projects to do this winter not to mention. the state of the world... we'll see. we'll see

16 November 2023 1:07 am

 Who knew historical events would happen

Just realized that if i set this story in Literally November 2016 I'm GONNA have to address trump, and if i set it any later im gonna have to address covid. but I can't set it any earlier bc i was a sheltered teenager before 2016 :/ i guess I'll have to address trump.

15 November 2023 3:39 am


it's so hard to choose what POV to write in. First person feels so... cringey to write in for some reason, and thrid person is too impartial and too omniscient. YES even in limited. i don't know why it just feels like. weird to call these characters by their names. I think we should all just agree to have no pov. Maybe I should go back to making this a comic. Just kidding. I htink the thing is that i'm very used to writing like, scripts. movie scripts or theater scripts where there's not that much narration. maybe it's because the things im most used to "consuming" (eugh) are purely visual like video essays or movies or tv shows or games that arent vns. so maybe i should read more actual books to see if it feels less weird. or just go ahead and write this in script style, but it's just not a very fitting style for novels visual or not. i wish you could just write an entire script and have your audience read and imagine the whole movie that would be fun. woudln't that be fun? the ultimate low budget flick. think about it.

11 November 2023 2:29 am


The problem with doing like. inspiration playlists to put on while writing is that. esepcially in one case i made it so it reflects this persons character arc pretty nicely. and now when i actually sit down to write it im like. well this song already said it so perfectly who am i to write about anything. did "im building it a tomb out of tv ads and doom" not summarize it enough for you. my job heres done" and then i get no writing done.

30 October 2023 12:21 am


 i'm focusing way too much on everything that ISNT the game

But would it be too annoying to like. send email notifs when the website updates. cause otherwise how would people know im procrastinating. it would be SO funny if i made a twitter account that just posts wen i make a post here. why not just post these on tiwtter. it would be so funny. cause i think an email might be too much. but also an email system i can handle. im not sure about other automated Things and posting by hand is such a drag. just cause, is anyone really gonna be checking this website like frequently? i know it's mostly for me and to keep a log but let me dream that people actually care about what i have to say. ok thank you back to writing

22 October 2023 3:11 pm

  one last thing

i don't know when im going to like. share this widely? It was half to keep myself accountable to changes i want to/plan/have made and half to, honestly, keep hpnga fresh in people's minds, but i dont really know who if much of anyone (except a couple pals already. shout out to you!) are interested in anything i make at all. not to be self deprecating im genuinely thinking out loud...mayb eonce i start writing or coding... yeah i think that;s when it's gonna be the most helfpul, once i start actually outting stuff together. Man, self markeitng is such a drag. Alright now that this is out of my system, i gotta go finish some writing.

18 October 2023 12:56 am

 More kinda pointless music thoughts

I think I found the company Ryukkishi07 bought the royalty free music he used for Higurashi from and can you BELIEVE one pack of like 50 songs and 260 sound effects is only 8,980 yen. I don't know if that's the current price or the 2000s price, the site looks ancient. Then again, a lot of JP websites look ancient. Not important, it's just kinda wild to me how he made such an incredible work on, truly, like a $3 budget. Lie, sure, it's not without its faults but I personally can't imagine the state of VNs anywhere without When They Cry. And 90% of it is being backed by royalty free music!! I'm not saying that as a bad thing, it just really is incredible to see how far it's come.

Though i'm not going to lie it does kinda give me a bit of anxiety. Like, he did all of this himself. Hell! YTTD's author did almost all of it himself too, including the music! And they're both amazing games! It makes me wonder what I;m doing. at all. There's so many VNs on alone already, too, it's like. Why am I adding to the noise? I try thinking i'll be glad i wrote ANYTHIGN in 20 years time, but are we as humans with access to the internet going ot survive another 20 years? Who knows. It's at least a way to pass the time, but even then, maybe I should be using this time for something that will actually benefit humanity. I wish I could do it all.

Oh right this post was supposed to be about the music side of things. Well, the point is I can make some pretty decent 1-1.5 min loops but nothing much longer than that. I've been listening to, well, the Higu and YTTD osts to see how they did it but music theory has always flown a bit over my head. So maybe i COULD look into royalty free music for specific things? I just don;t want to sound like a youtouber. I;m having fun making my own micro songs though, at least. So we'll see.


oh god then there's the sound effects.... fuck! One more thing to write down and ponder...........

18 October 2023 12:33 am

 the creative process is its own cycle.   god.

sometimes i feel silly about what im doing and 90% of the time it's what's stopping me from genuinely sitting down and just Writing whatever the hell i want to write.

cause like. idk it's the classic old putting too much pressure on myself to make the first draft the BEST most GROUNDBREAKING THING that's ever been committed to page and that's stupid im not a writer, not really. im just doing this because i can, essentially.

and recently im just so worried about having a structure for the entire thing, because i have some really good ideas but theyre all disjointed and only vaguely reminiscent of a plot, and i think a lot of writers can sympathize and the only way to get through this is to sit down and plan but let's consider the following: that's boring as shit

I'll do it eventually though. maybe I'll lose the part if me that cringes whenever i arrive at the conclusion that using the stages of grief as an anchoring point, even if not as the entire structure of the story (because that would be. just a lot in a not very interesting way) is FINE and GOOD, EVEN. especially because ive arrived at this conclusion at least 4 separate tomes, not counting the one time someone else pointed out that it's a pretty obvious choice, really. in the best way possible. so we'll see if I'm successful in killing the part that cringes.

also note to self: next time you're bored add pagination or a box that scrolls eith the oage before this gets out of control.

13 october 3023 03:28 am

 oh boy

man i was messing around with making a new song and it sounds ok but it's only like 1.5 mins like the rest if them and it just occurred to me how much music I'd really need for all of this. it's so easy to get overwhelmed by everything i have to do. but we press on! I'll finish the song later today and deal with the rest....some other time

11 October 2023 03:50 am


oh god what have i done

EDIT OCT 2 12:36 AM ITS FIXED! WOOHOO! hopefully i don't break it further. Until I attempt to add pages to this thing i guess.

1 October 2023 10:26 pm

 More website woes.

It's kind of funny how much I've been struggling with the website when I could be doing other things that will know... make the video game.

Though to be fair, I;ve been doing that for a while now, I have whole TWO AND A HALF songs done. Which I might link later after I've found a satisfactory file hoster. They're pretty good for what I'm working with (loops and zero music theory). WAIT FUCKK I FUCKED UP SO BAD I HATE HTML AGGGHHHHH.

1 October 2023 10:16 pm


I guess this is the start of whatever this is. I'm not entirely sure how this is going to work, honestly. It's kind of daunting to have an HTML page where I have to manually make divs every time I want to update this blog.

But I guess it'll get me in the coding mood?? If this even works. I'm not great at HTML.

Also I;m not a big fan of how small these boxes are or how the indent works. But it's 2 am and I still need to shower. So I guess I'll change it tomorrow. I am also still debating putting a dreamwidth feed here instead of making a div every time. WE'LL SEE. In the meantime, here's a snapshot of what this webstie looks like right now

Sidenote: I wish there was an easier way to host images that wasn't imgur. I guess I could put it in neocitie's own direcxtories but I'd probably have to pay for a storge upgrade very quickly. Well whatever. I'll be back and fix this soon enough. for now, good night!

1 October 2023 2:12 am